Top 10 Profitable small business ideas to start

1- Travel agency The rent for a premises, furniture and office décor as well as computers will not be as high in this business idea. However, you will need sufficient funds to pay for government registrations and registration with airlines, hotels and other travel service providers to open a travel agency. 2- Local tour company […]

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Top 60 big profitable business ideas

1- Liquor shop In demand all year round, a liquor shop is excellent business idea. You do not need search for customers. Instead, customers seek you out. However, the business requires lots of licensing and investment. 2- Business idea of opening a restaurant In India, restaurants of all types are well patronized. It is a

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Top 5 small businesses to start

1. Breakfast service Opening a street-side breakfast and snack service is the cheapest business idea. You can offer Indian favorites including idli, dosa, omelette, boiled eggs, buns with butter and jam as well as tea and coffee. 2- Handyman You can become a handyman by offering a plethora of services such as minor electrical repairs,

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Top 10 business ideas for women entrepreneurs

The Internet makes it possible for everyone to enter business. Hence, large numbers of women enter into business nowadays. Obviously, gender divide over income between men and women continues. Yet, it is easier for women to do business nowadays. Hence, there are several businesses over which women continue to hold sway. Regardless of your financial

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Top 10 business ideas with low cost and high profit

1-Homemade sweets & savories India is a huge market for homemade sweets and savories. Should you know some traditional recipes for popular Indian sweets and savories, prepare them in small quantities. To avoid expensive licensing procedures, you can market them door-to-door. Often, such entrepreneurs find loyal, regular customers provided your products taste excellent and offer

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10 businesses to start from home with low capital

1-Meal delivery (Tiffin services) idea You can easily cash-in on the growing trend of individuals and families to outsource their daily meals from someone who offers the meal delivery service, commonly called, ‘Tiffin service’ in India. Your main investment for this business idea will be for cooking utensils, foodstuff, packaging material or steel meal boxes

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Top 10 low-cost small-scale business ideas

1- Mobile Garage With a reliable pre-owned car and tools needed for vehicle repairs, you can launch a mobile garage. Meaning, people whose vehicles develop technical snags and stall on roads can call you for repairs. You need astute knowledge about car engines and electrical gear on board. 2- Vegan ice-creams With millions of people

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25 Small-Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas

Starting a large business is fine. Provided, you have ample capital and other resources required. However, a glimpse into most large business houses, they started as small-scale manufacturers and expanded over time. More often than not, it can be pretty difficult to find capital to start a business. Given this scenario, the best option is

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10 profitable business ideas to start with low capital

1- Painting buildings & houses Generally considered a seasonal business idea, painting exteriors and interiors of buildings and houses is booming in India. It does not require much investment since the business depends upon contracts you make with clients. Skilled manpower is vital for this business. 2- Maintenance of buildings & houses This business involves

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