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9 Opportunities To Make Money In A Recession

1. Invest in the Stock Market: Investing in stocks during a recession can be a great way to make money. With prices of stocks typically falling during a recession, now may be the perfect time to invest for the long term.

2. Start a Side Business: Many people start their own businesses during a recession to supplement their income. If you have a skill or expertise that could be used to your advantage, this could be a great way to make extra money.

3. Become a Freelancer: If you have a knack for writing, design, or coding, consider freelancing. You can offer your services to clients online or through job websites.

4. Take on Part-Time Jobs: Companies tend to hire more part-time employees during a recession to save money. Consider taking on a part-time job to make extra money.

5. Become a Tutor: If you know a certain subject, consider tutoring students. You can advertise your services online or through friends and family.

6. Sell Used Items: Many people turn to selling used items during a recession to make money. You can sell clothes, furniture, electronics, or any other items you may have lying around.

7. Get Paid to Take Surveys: Online surveys may be a good way to make money during a recession. You can look for survey sites that pay cash or gift cards for taking surveys.

8. Start a Blog: If you have a passion for writing, consider starting a blog. You can monetize your blog by displaying ads, selling sponsored content, or through affiliate links.

9. Become an Uber or Lyft Driver: If you have a car, consider becoming a driver for Uber or Lyft. You can make money by picking up passengers and dropping them off at their destination.

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