Native Advertising: The Ultimate Guide To Promoting Your Business With Native Ads

Native advertising is a form of online advertising that is designed to blend in with the surrounding content on a website.

Native ads are usually less intrusive than other forms of online advertising, such as banner ads, and can be more effective in driving clicks and conversions.

In this article, we’ll be talking about how to use native advertising to promote your business, products, and services.

We will go ahead to discuss what native advertising is, the different native advertising platforms, and also the benefits and challenges of native advertising.

Keep reading!

What is native advertising?

How To Use Native Advertising To Promote Your Business

Native advertising is a type of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears.

In many cases, it takes the form of an article or video that is produced by the advertiser and published on a website alongside other, non-paid content.

Native advertising is a term coined by Google in 2015 to describe advertisements that look like editorial content.

These ads blend seamlessly with the rest of the website’s content, making them difficult to spot.

What are Native Ads?

Native ads are a type of online advertising that blends in with the surrounding content on a website or app. Unlike traditional banner ads, native ads don’t interrupt the user’s experience; instead, they blend right in.

Why are Native Ads so Popular?

There are several reasons why native advertising has become so popular among marketers and publishers alike. For one, users have become blind to banner ads; we’ve all been trained to tune them out. But with native ads, because they look and feel like normal content, users are more likely to pay attention to them. Additionally, native ad placements tend to be more effective at driving conversions than banner ads. And finally, native ads can be customized to match the look and feel of each individual publisher’s site or app.

Why are advertisers using native ads?

There are several reasons why advertisers might choose to use native ads.

First, because they blend in with other content on a page, they can be less intrusive than other types of online ads (such as banner ads).

Second, native ads can be more effective at getting people’s attention than traditional banner ads; studies have shown that people look at native adverts 53% more often than banner adverts.

Finally, native advertising can help build trust between an advertiser and its audience; if done well, readers or viewers may not even realize that they’re seeing an advert rather than editorial content.

However, it’s important to note that not all forms of native advertising are equally trustworthy; for example, some sites may accept payment from advertisers in exchange for publishing their articles without clearly labeling them as advertisements.

So while Native Advertising might be a good option for some brands looking to reach new audiences in an unobtrusive way, it’s important to do your research before diving in.

Native Advertising Statistics

According to a study by Sharethrough, native ads are viewed 53% more than banner ads.

Native ads also have a click-through rate that is 7x higher than banner ads.

Another study by IPG Media Lab found that native ads generate a higher level of brand lift than banner ads. Brand lift is a measure of how well an ad is able to improve brand awareness and/or purchase intent.

Overall, native advertising is a more effective way to reach consumers than traditional banner ads. Native ads are less intrusive, more likely to be clicked on, and generate a higher level of brand lift.

Native Ad Formats

There are many different native ad formats, but they all have one thing in common: they blend in with the surrounding content on a website or app.

This makes native ads less intrusive than traditional banner ads, and more likely to capture the attention of users. Here are some of the most popular native ad formats:

  1. In-feed units: These ads appear in the main body of a website or app, alongside other content items. They can take many different forms, including articles, videos, or even product listings.
  2. Search results units: These are similar to in-feed units, but they appear in search results pages instead of on regular web pages or apps.
  3. Recommendation widgets: These widgets show recommended content from a website or app (including both paid and organic items). They’re often found at the bottom of an article or webpage.
Native Advertising: The Ultimate Guide To Promoting Your Business With Native Ads

How Does Native Advertising Work?

Native advertising is a type of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. Native ads are often less intrusive than banner ads, and they can provide a more seamless experience for users.

Native advertising can take many different forms, but some common examples include sponsored posts, in-feed ads, and recommended content sections.

When done well, native advertising can be an effective way to reach your target audience with relevant and engaging content. However, because native ads blend in with other content on a page, they can also be easy to overlook.

Native Ads vs. Sponsored Content

Native advertising is different from sponsored content. Sponsored content is considered paid advertising, while native advertising is not. In fact, some websites consider both types of content to be native.

There’s a lot of debate in the online world about which is better – native advertising or sponsored content. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is right for your business?

Native advertising is defined as “a form of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears.” In other words, it looks like normal content on a page, but it’s actually an ad. Sponsored content, on the other hand, is simply labeled as such. It’s usually clearly marked as an advertisement, and it doesn’t necessarily match the look and feel of the rest of the site.

So, what are the benefits and drawbacks of each?

Let’s take a look:

Native Advertising Pros:

1. Increased Engagement: Because native ads blend in with surrounding content, they tend to get more attention from readers than sponsored posts or banner ads. This can lead to increased engagement rates (i.e., more clicks, likes, and shares).

2) More Trustworthy: Since readers don’t immediately recognize native ads as advertisements, they’re more likely to trust them. This trust can translate into conversions down the road.

Cons :

1) Can Be intrusive: If not done well, native ads can be quite intrusive. They may disrupt the user experience by interrupting the flow of content. Additionally, pop-up native ads can be very annoying for users.

2) May Not Get Results: Just because native ads are more engaging doe sn ‘t mean they’ll necessarily lead to more sales or conversions. If your target audience isn’t interested in what you’re promoting, they’re not going to click no matter how well your ad blends in with the rest of the content.

Benefits of Native Advertising

Benefits of Native Advertising

Native advertising provides brands with a way to reach audiences without paying for traditional ad space. Brands benefit from having a direct connection with consumers, and users benefit from getting relevant information about products and services.

There’s no doubt that native advertising is on the rise. In fact, a recent study by the IAB found that native ad spending in the US reached $32 billion in 2018, and is expected to grow to $52 billion by 2022.

So why are brands and publishers alike flocking to this relatively new form of advertising?

Here are just a few of the benefits:

Increased Engagement
Native ads are more likely to be seen and clicked on than traditional banner ads, due to their placement within editorial content. This means that they have the potential to drive higher levels of engagement with your target audience.

Greater Trustworthiness

Readers are more likely to trust an ad when it blends in with its surroundings as opposed to interrupting their reading experience with a flashy banner or pop-up. Native ads tend to be perceived as being more trustworthy, which can lead to improved brand perceptions over time.

Challenges of Native Advertising

The biggest challenge of native advertising is that it doesn’t always work. Users may find these ads annoying and distracting, and they may even click away before reading the content.

The rise of native advertising has been a boon for publishers, providing them with a new revenue stream and helping to offset the decline in traditional advertising. But it’s not all good news. Native advertising comes with its own set of challenges, which publishers need to be aware of if they want to make the most of this opportunity.

One challenge is that native ads can be difficult to distinguish from editorial content. This can lead to reader confusion and even resentment if they feel they’ve been duped into clicking on an ad masquerading as something else. Publishers need to be clear about what is and aren’t an ad, both in terms of labeling and placement.

Another challenge is that native ads are often less effective than other forms of online advertising such as display or search ads. This is because readers are more likely to tune out or ignore native ads since they blend in with the rest of the content on a page. As such, publishers need to carefully consider where they place native ads and how many they run per page so as not to overload readers or dilute the impact of each individual ad.

Why Use Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a type of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. In many cases, native ads are designed to blend in with the surrounding content, making them less intrusive and more engaging than traditional banner ads.

Native advertising can be an effective way to reach your target audience because it doesn’t interrupt their experience as traditional banner ads do. Instead, native ads offer a more seamless way for you to deliver your message while still providing value to the user.

Plus, studies have shown that people are more likely to trust native advertisements than banner ads—making them more effective at driving conversions.

How to Create Native Advertisements

There are many ways to create native advertisements. You can use videos, infographics, images, text, and links to connect with readers.

If you’re looking for a new way to reach your target audience, you may want to consider using a native advertising platform.

Native advertising platforms allow you to place ads on websites and apps that are relevant to your business so that your target audience is more likely to see them.

There are many different native advertising platforms available, so it’s important to do some research and find one that will work well for your business.

Once you’ve found a platform that you’re happy with, setting up your campaign is quick and easy.

Native advertising can be an effective way to reach more people with your message. If you’re looking for a new way to advertise, give it a try!

Native Advertising best practices

Are you looking to create native ads that stand out and get noticed? If so, then you’ll need to follow some best practices to make sure your ads are effective. Here are a few tips:

  1. Keep it relevant. Make sure your ad is relevant to the content on the page where it will be displayed. This will help ensure that people actually pay attention to it.
  2. Use attractive visuals. People are more likely to notice an ad if it has attractive visuals, so consider using images or videos in your ad creative.

Top Native Advertising Networks

Top Native Advertising Networks

Now that you know what native advertising is let’s take a look at some top native ad platforms.

1. Outbrain

Outbrain is one of the leading native advertising platforms used by some of the top publishers including BBC and The Guardian.

The ad network allows publishers to access top DSPs through programmatic native ad demand.

2. Taboola

Apart from Outbrain, if you are searching for a reliable native ad platform, then you would have heard about Taboola.

It can be a great option for bringing in traffic and page views. It is used by The Huffington Post, USA Today, and other top publishers.

3. RevContent

According to the ad publisher’s website, among all native ad networks, RevContent offers 250 billion unique content recommendations per month and has partnered with a number of advertisers and publishers including Forbes and Wayfair.

The advertising network provides marketers with a self-service feature, so they are well-positioned to display native advertising according to their business needs.


If you are one of those marketers who are looking to get started with a self-service platform, then MGID may be the platform you want.

You can generate more ad impressions focusing on your business needs and marketing goals with MGID’s self-service option and a variety of ad formats.

This native advertising platform also has the option to easily and quickly scale your company’s ad publishing scope with access to real-time analytics.

How to Choose The Right Native Advertising Platform

When looking for the right ad platform for your company or business, you need to ensure that you are taking all factors into consideration including your website traffic, company advertising budget, nature of media or content you want to serve, and the type of network you are looking for.

Here are some of the factors to consider:

  • Setup Procedure
  • Pricing Model
  • Quality of Ad
  • Ad Network Requirements

How much does native advertising cost?

Native advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. But how much does it cost?

The answer depends on a number of factors, including the size of your audience, the type of native ad you choose, and the platform you use to deliver it. Generally speaking, native ads can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

Of course, there are many variables that will affect the cost of your native advertising campaign. But with careful planning and execution, you can get great results without breaking the bank.

Wrapping Up: Native Advertising

Whether your business serves products or services, as an advertiser you can benefit from using native advertising to promote your business.

A native ad will increase your website traffic, leads, and customers. Media ads that pop up or banner ads that get in the way can hamper the experience of website visitors.

This is why it has become imperative for advertisers too to rely on more organic forms of advertising. Native advertising provides exactly that.


Native advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. By working with a native advertising agency, you can ensure that your ads are placed in front of the right people, at the right time, and in the right context.

Native advertising is a form of advertising that is designed to blend in with the surrounding content. It can take many different forms, but the goal is always the same: to make the ad look and feel like a natural part of the content, rather than a disruptive interruption.

Native advertising is an incredibly effective way to reach your target audience. But it’s also important to work with a native advertising agency that you trust. With so many different options out there, it can be difficult to know who to trust. But by doing your research and working with a reputable agency, you can be sure that your native advertising campaign will be a success.

Let us be your native advertising agency

As the world of online advertising continues to evolve, so too do the strategies and tactics that marketers use to reach their target audiences. One of the most popular and effective methods of online advertising today is native advertising.

Native advertising is a form of advertising that blends in with the surrounding content on a website or app, making it less intrusive and more likely to be noticed and engaged with by users.

At our native advertising agency, we specialize in creating high-quality, native ads that are designed to reach and engage your target audience. We work with you to understand your goals and objectives, and then we create a custom native advertising campaign that is tailored to your specific needs.

If you’re looking for a more effective and efficient way to reach your target audience online, then native advertising is the way to go. Contact our native advertising agency today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

If you’re looking for help with your native advertising campaigns, we can certainly assist you.

Our team has a wealth of experience in native advertising and can work with you to create a campaign that meets your needs and objectives.

Contact us today to learn more.

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