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What is a Facebook Business Manager Account and How to Get One

In today’s digital age, social media advertising has become an integral part of any successful marketing strategy. Facebook, being one of the largest social media platforms, offers businesses an opportunity to reach their target audience effectively. One essential tool for managing Facebook ads is an Agency Ad Account. In this blog post, we will delve into what a Facebook Agency Ad Account is and guide you on how to obtain one for your business.

What is a Facebook Agency Ad Account?

A Facebook manager Account is a feature designed for businesses that work with advertising agencies or manage multiple client accounts. It allows agencies to create, manage, and optimize ad campaigns on behalf of their clients, providing a streamlined and centralized approach to Facebook advertising. With an Agency Ad Account, businesses can maintain control over their ad campaigns while granting access to their agency partners.

How to Get a Facebook Agency Ad Account:

Create a Facebook Business Manager account: To access an Agency Ad Account, you first need to create a Facebook Business Manager account. Visit and click on “Create Account” or log in with your existing Facebook account. Follow the setup instructions, provide the necessary business details, and verify your account.

What is a Facebook Business Manager Account and How to Get One

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