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TikTok Agency Account: Features, Benefits, Why You Need One

TikTok Agency Account is a special type of business account provided by TikTok exclusively to their official advertising partners and agencies. It’s designed to give businesses and brands more advanced advertising capabilities on the platform compared to a regular TikTok account.

The key difference is that a TikTok Agency Account unlocks additional features and tools for running ads on TikTok that aren’t available on personal or regular business accounts.

This includes things like:

  • Ability to target ads to users in over 55 countries worldwide
  • No limits on your total advertising budget
  • Access to all available TikTok ad formats and placements
  • Early access to new TikTok ads policies and beta features
  • 24/7 priority support directly from TikTok’s partner teams
  • Advanced reporting analytics

Essentially, a TikTok Agency Account acts as a premium, souped-up version that provides more powerful targeting, higher ad spend capacity, and professional-grade support/features for advertisers and marketers looking to seriously invest in TikTok ads.

So while anyone can create a free TikTok business account, the Agency Account option opens up many more capabilities for running sophisticated, global ad campaigns on the platform. We’ll explore some of the key advantages in more detail later on.

Who Should Use a TikTok Agency Account?

TikTok Agency Account is ideal for businesses, brands, and individuals who are looking to take their advertising efforts on the platform to the next level.

Here are some examples of who should consider utilizing a TikTok Agency Account:

  1. Businesses targeting a global audience: If your business aims to reach customers worldwide, an Agency Account allows you to target ads in over 55 countries, which is not possible with a regular account.
  2. Advertisers with large ad budgets: Agency Accounts remove the ad spend limits imposed on regular accounts, making them perfect for businesses with significant advertising budgets.
  3. Marketers looking for advanced targeting: With an Agency Account, you gain access to advanced targeting options, custom audience capabilities, and real-time optimization features to ensure your ads reach the right audience.
  4. Brands needing priority support: Agency Accounts come with dedicated, 24/7 support from TikTok’s partner teams, ensuring any issues or queries are addressed promptly.
  5. Businesses in restricted advertising regions: Some countries have limitations on setting up and using regular TikTok Ads accounts. An Agency Account bypasses these restrictions.
  6. Ecommerce brands and retailers: The advanced product catalogs, dynamic showcase ads, and deep-linking features of Agency Accounts make them highly valuable for ecommerce businesses advertising on TikTok.

TikTok Agency Account: Features, Benefits, Why You Need One

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