25 most profitable online business ideas to start

Scrutinized assets on the Blockchain business

I would be working on making it easier to securitize and create a market for unique assets on the blockchain. There are many types of new securities and types of assets being created, not only tokens but anything else that can be bought or sold. In theory, you could sell those on the blockchain currently, but you’d have to spin up and create your own blockchain in its entirety. It seems like that’s something you should be able to do as a service; I have some assets and I’d like a blockchain for it, and I’ll pay a monthly fee. I’d build that if I had time.

Website development business

We live in a digital world where every business needs a website to drive their traffic to in order to make sales. If you have the skills, you could enter an industry that will never die. You can also start small by creating websites on platforms such as WordPress. If you want to take your web-building skills to the next level, you can learn the language of website creation through Codecademy.com, where you will be able to learn how to incorporate personalized:

● Shopping carts

● Product pages

● Galleries

● Blogs

● Services pages

● Feedback forms

Selling homemade products online

Indian women are adept in creating home based products and this is a proven fact. Even if they are often not given the opportunity to step out of home and convert their skills into business, they do it perfectly even from home. This sector is still relatively untapped in the country and Indian women can be helped to showcase their skills online under a common platform. Customers will also get the privilege to choose the best among many.

Internet security consultant business

Hacking, scamming, and viruses are just some of the security threats on the web today. If you know your stuff, you could make very good money consulting businesses, especially those who handle sensitive customer information and want to keep it as safe as possible.

Data security business

With so much information online, there is a definite need to secure data by offering content protection solution for online businesses to protect their website content from competitors and fraudsters.

Social media consultant business

Social media is ruling the modern world. And in the business world, social media is the king. With that being said, social media consultancy has emerged as a new career opportunity which if used in the right way can take someone to millions.

Sell handmade crafts online

It is in the nature of human beings that they want to keep beautiful things with them and crafts definitely fit this category. There are several home based craftsmen making amazing products who can be aggregated so that they ca sell their products through a common platform.

Showcase talents online

Why not build a platform for the commoners where they can show their skills related to anything and everything and they are rated by the viewers. Based on the number of likes and reaction from the viewers, they can be given opportunity to showcase their talent on big platforms. These types of startup ideas are a definitive way to provide equal opportunity to all the talented people out there where discrimination depends only on talent!

Graphics design

Companies are always in search for branding that tells people about what they do. If you can follow company guidelines and customer needs, all you will need to get started is a computer and applications such as Photoshop or Illustrator. Types of media you will be responsible for creating include:

● Logos

● Fliers

● Newsletters

● Magazines

● Information sheets

● Letters

● Advertisements

Video dating website

There can be a platform where users and their friends can upload videos and talk about their friends as well. Users can add videos of themselves talking about their interests, who they are and who they are looking for which can help them to find the perfect partner real-time!

Online course

It is not always feasible for everyone to pay huge amount of money in online courses provided by Coursera, Udemy etc. Also it is not necessary that everyone will comprehend the lectures completely since a significant number of Indian population still studies in regional languages. Whatever may be the case, what is similar between everyone is the eagerness to learn things apart from academic lessons. Hence, multilingual online courses are bound to work in India.

Blogging or vlogging

Are you an expert in a specific field? From travel, fashion, cooking, to DIY, and removal services, if you know how to do something particularly well, why not tell the world through a blog or vlog? All you will need is a computer and a good quality camera. You can make money by offering advertising space and reviews of products on your platform.

Domain buying

As the name suggests, all you need to do is buy domain names you believe people will want and sell them for a profit. You will need to be able to:

● Identify profitable domain names

● Identify domain names that are memorable

● Learn about SEO and keyword optimization

Flipping websites

Flipping a website is the art of buying an already existing website, improving it, and selling it. With the right web development skills, it is a very easy and cheap trade to explore. That said, you need to be able to identify websites that have the potential for improvement.

Selling photo online

If you are a professional photographer or just have a deep-rooted passion for it, you can make money from your pictures on photo selling websites. All you need to get started is a camera, preferably a digital SLR with a minimum of 8 megapixels, and a computer. Once you have established yourself on websites such as GettyImages.com and Flickr.com, you can setup your own website with a list of your watermarked images and their price per unit.

Ecommerce store

If you have a great product, but no money to invest in a physical storefront, staff, and bills, why not set yourself up online? Aside from the lack of huge monetary investment and time commitment, the marketing opportunities online are endless. Also, although a storefront is great for branding purposes, it does limit the size and scope of your audience. By setting yourself up with an e-commerce store, you can:

● Sell to anyone in the world

● Have a store that is open 24/7 (meaning you literally make money in your sleep)

● Run promotions easily, whenever you want

● Cross-sell between your marketing and social media platforms and your website

● Run marketing campaigns through Google and other platforms

Video production

There are a number of ways you can use videography to create your own home-based business. There are so many people wanting to become YouTube celebrities who don’t have the skills to upload high-quality, well-edited videos. Other services you could offer include:

● Vlog editing

● Creating music videos

● Voice-overs

● Adverts

Social media consulting

Who doesn’t love Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Fancy yourself to be a bit of whiz but don’t have any formal training? Twitter and Google, among other platforms, offer complete professional courses with recognized certifications that require little to no money. Social media is also a business that has unlimited potential with a client base that can span across the world. This trend is unlikely to die soon, if ever, and new platforms are being released every year, making the possibilities for expansion limitless. You can use social media management tools to make your job easy.

Website flipping

If you’re looking for some fast cash, you could turn to website flipping. All you’re doing is buying and selling sites on existing platforms. There’s definitely an art to this and some research involved, but if you get the hang of it, it’s a simple and straightforward way to earn money.

There are plenty of sites dedicated to this. You could either auction off domains or sell complete websites. The latter will help you earn money and you can utilize a platform like Flippa.com or FreeMarket.com to both buy and sell domains and full-blown websites.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is extremely easy to get into and involves you earning a commission by promoting other companies’ products and services. Basically, you choose a product you like, promote it, and make a profit on each sale that stems from your marketing efforts. An affiliate marketing business is especially easy to start if:

● You have a blog or website of your own

● You can prove your success through visitor statistics

● You have already successfully undertaken affiliate marketing and can show this to your potential clients

SEO and web development

SEO and web development are both massive today. Web development and the often-obfuscated world of SEO is definitely something that’s scary to most folks because there are so many variables at play. With over 200+ algorithm ranking factors, it’s no wonder people are hesitant about making mistakes and doing it on their own.

Yet, if you get very good at this one single thing, you can make an impressive amount of money no matter where you are. Either you can sell your services as an SEO or web developer, or you can build your own niche sites with affiliate links and go after the passive-income route for making money online.

Social media manager

Social media is massive these days and businesses don’t have the time or the knowledge to manage this themselves. Yet, they do realize that this is one of the most important aspects of marketing, and by mastering this single area, you can add tons of value to local businesses while also raking in the proverbial cash.

Today, businesses are willing to spend big money on social media management. If you can help to drive real leads and sales through this medium, then your roster of clients will skyrocket over time. Follow other popular social media influencers and power users to discover their best strategies and model after them.

Social network for children business

This is a super tough nut to crack. You have to be cool and offer a safe and private environment for kids to communicate with each other while enabling trusted adults to peer in/interact, etc… The company that can build something that is used and useful for all parties can build something of great value throughout a person’s entire life.

Ads for outdoor and transit business

Billboards are still sold manually by sales teams. You literally cannot buy a billboard online. If people could buy them as easily as you buy an Adwords ad, maybe many more small companies would.

Amazon or eBay seller

An Ebay assistant or seller is similar to being a marketing affiliate. The key difference is that instead of marketing the product, you are selling it directly to the customer. When selling for others on Ebay or any other platform, you will sell the product and keep a commission as compensation.

Unfortunately, this type of job comes with risks. Commonly, scam artists attract Ebay sellers and use fake shipping papers to convince them to send payments. Unfortunately, even if you are scammed, you will be held responsible for your customers not receiving their items. Always remember to:

● Get to know the distributor

● Keep all payments in your e-wallet until the customer confirms having received the parcel

● Report any suspicious activity

● Do not share any of your banking details

Ai for communicating with dogs business

Use the immense amount of video footage captures of interactions with dogs to predict what behaviors will happen based on what the dog is doing i.e. predict that your dog is in pain, or hungry or thirsty etc. (Note: this might sound a little crazy but this has been done already for identifying pain in sheep.)

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