Omnichannel Marketing: Strategy, Examples, Definition, and Benefits

What is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel Marketing: Strategy, Examples, Definition, and Benefits

Omnichannel marketing is a convergence strategy that integrates all the company’s communication channels to improve the consumer experience. Thus, customers can buy online, in physical stores, and over the phone, or even go through all of these channels
with guaranteed consistency and quality of service.

Basically, the strategy is successful when the customer does not feel the difference between contacting the company over the internet or at the point of sale and is free to circulate through the channels to decide on their purchase.

Omnichannel Marketing statistics

Google has been visited 62.19 billion times this year and has had 92.18 percent of the search market share. On top 46 percent of product searches begin on Google. This means people are searching a ton and the more content you have out there on different channels, the higher the chance your product and brand will appear on the first page.

See this Graph of traffic gains for example

OmniChannel Marketing Graph
OmniChannel Marketing Graph

You’ll notice that there are plenty of different ways to gain more traffic ranging from updating content to videos and infographics. It might not seem much to do just do videos, but what happens if you do all of them? Then you’ll truly see a fantastic increase in traffic and thus indirectly more sales.

Paid ads will keep increasing in price. But here’s the thing. The other channels are cheap and very effective. This means you save more money and make more money, which you can in turn spend on the increased price of paid ads.

The omnichannel client

We are in the middle of the omnichannel consumer age, which has evolved a lot in terms of expectations and buying habits.
This customer uses all available purchase channels and wants a consistent experience in each one, whether on the smartphone, computer, physical store or telesales.
For him, the least the company can do is integrate its service and know exactly who he is, regardless of the channel chosen.
It makes sense: if you buy a product online and provide your data, you expect the company to have that record.

Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel businesses only benefit from the integration of their sales channels, as well as the customer, who enjoys a superior experience.
For the company, it is an opportunity to work its channels synergistically, consolidating its value proposition across the brand universe.
With integrated channels, the organization better understands the customer’s behavior and prepares a tailor-made journey, guaranteeing the same quality standard at all points of contact.
The result is customers who are fully satisfied with the shopping experience, from the first contact to the post-sale.

How to create an omnichannel marketing strategy

How to create an omnichannel marketing strategy

Let’s go through the steps of creating an omnichannel marketing strategy

Get to know your client in depth

The first step in implementing the concept in your company is to get to know your client in-depth and discover their pains, needs and desires.
In that case, you need to know exactly where your customer is to go to him, making the shopping experience as easy as possible.
Do your personas want to buy online and pick up at the physical store?
Prefer to be answered by chat or phone?
These are examples of questions that should guide your study.

Identify and rate your channels

The next step is to identify which sales and communication channels you are currently using.
Remember to include all points of contact with the customer, from the store’s sales team to the site’s chatbot.
After mapping the channels, evaluate the results of each channel and their relevance to the omnichannel strategy.
A tip: choose the channels in which you are best able to guarantee the quality of the service, instead of opting for a “trendy” channel and end up frustrating your customer.

Identify and rate your channels

With customer and channel data in hand, just cross the information and trace your omnichannel planning.
To do this, you need to meet customer demands throughout the purchase journey, with fully integrated channels that personalize the experience according to your steps.

Integrate your data and functions

To make your channels talk to each other, you will need to integrate all the company’s data and functions.
Obviously, you will need technological solutions to concentrate all customer data on the same platform and share information in real-time with all areas of the company.
For the omnichannel to work, the logistical, commercial, marketing processes and the entire production chain must be integrated.

Omnichannel marketing examples


Disney is a great example of an omnichannel experience. Every detail is taken care of. It starts with the initial experience on the mobile responsive site and continues with its trip planning on mobile.
And once you have booked the trip you can use the My Disney Experience tool to help plan your trip. You can use an app on your mobile to find attractions within the park and even the estimated waiting time for each attraction. That’s what we call a superb omnichannel


Having an account for chipotle allows you to save all of your favorite orders for a seamless experience. Chipotle is a great example with the easy-to-navigate tools that you can use to order anytime you want. Ordering on mobile is just as simple as on PC.


What Walgreens has done is create a pharmaceutical omnichannel experience. Users can use the app to refill and check prescriptions without the need to call the pharmacy. On top of that, they can also setup reminders that alert the user if a prescription has to be

More omnichannel marketing ideas

Syndicated content

Content Syndication is another form you can use for your omnichannel. It means republishing the same content on different websites. It gives others fresh content for their readers and you get your brand in front of a new audience. It’s beneficial for both parties involved. It might seem similar to guest blogging, but with syndicated content, it is not new content, it’s the same.

Viral Videos

Viral videos are also a great tool to use and deliver a similar experience to your other channels. Making a video relatable, humorous or informative is a good starting point.
Understanding what value you need to bring to your audience is key.

PPC ad copy

PPC ad copy is a sales letter that covers the possible objections that a customer could have. On top of that, it also covers the benefits the user/customer will have when buying the product/service. Making this a great experience and similar to your other channels is

Guest blogging

Posting content on other sites as a guest contributor/blogger is a great way to promote your content and yet another marketing channel to use. Linking back from their site to yours will increase traffic and create potential leads.


Interviews are another great channel, make sure it matches the quality of your other channel and stick with the great omnichannel experience that you want to deliver. Who you are interviewed by can sometimes make quite a big difference.

Blog posts

Blog posts are a great way to promote your product or service. You can link back to other articles and create site links. You can also mix in videos or other types of media.

Social Media & Reposting content

If you made a video or a blog post then we suggest uploading it everywhere. Upload it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. This way people will search your name way more on Google. Brand awareness will increase and your customers can expect the same experience on all platforms no matter where they go, whether it be Instagram, Facebook or another platform, the same quality content will be there. There is nothing to lose posting your content on all media platforms, you’ll only gain.

Extra Omnichannel Marketing Information

Google has put together a helpful page for omnichannel marketing, to view this information click on the link below:
Below we have put the Omnichannel Rubric figure. Doing all of this will result in more sales.

OmniChannel Marketing Rubric

What’s the Difference Between Multichannel and Omnichannel Marketing?

The terms “multichannel” and “omnichannel” are often used interchangeably, but there is a big difference between the two approaches to marketing. Multichannel marketing refers to using multiple channels (e.g., email, social media, print) to reach your audience, while omnichannel marketing takes a more holistic approach that considers how all of these channels work together.

In today’s digital world, customers move seamlessly between channels and expect a consistent experience no matter where they are engaging with your brand. That’s why an omnichannel approach is essential for businesses that want to stay competitive. With an omnichannel strategy, businesses can provide their customers with a cohesive customer journey from start to finish—no matter which channel they use.

Omnichannel vs multichannel: Which is right for you?

While both strategies have their benefits, it really depends on your business goals as to which one makes more sense for you. If you want to improve customer satisfaction or increase sales through cross-selling and upselling, then an omnichannel strategy might be the way to go since it offers customers a more seamless experience. On the other hand, if you simply want to reach more people without necessarily worrying about providing a consistent experience across channels, then multichannel might suffice.

At the end of the day, it really comes down to what kind of results you’re hoping to achieve with your marketing efforts. So take some time to think about your goals and what would make the most sense for your business before settling on either an omnichannel or multichannel approach.

Need help? Hire an OmniChannel Marketing Agency

As a business owner, you know that effective marketing is essential to your success. But with so many channels and options available, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s where an omnichannel marketing agency comes in.

An omnichannel marketing agency will help you develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches your target audience across all channels – from traditional media like television and print ads, to digital platforms like social media and email. And because they understand the customer journey, they can create messaging and content that guides customers through the purchase funnel – from awareness all the way to conversion.

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Here are three reasons why you should hire an omnichannel marketing agency:

1) They Understand The Customer Journey

One of the biggest advantages of working with an omnichannel marketing agency is that they understand how customers interact with brands across different channels. This means they can create targeted content and campaigns that guide customers through the purchase funnel – from awareness all the way to conversion.

2) They Can Help You Reach More Customers

An experienced omnichannel marketer will have a network of contacts and relationships with different media outlets – both traditional and digital. This gives them access to more opportunities for exposure than most businesses could get on their own. As a result, you’ll be able to reach more potential customers than ever before.

3) They Have The Expertise You Need In House

When you partner with an omnichannel marketing agency, you gain access not only to their knowledge and experience but also to best practices and processes developed over years of working with other clients. This means you can focus on running your business while they handle the heavy lifting of planning and executing a successful marketing campaign.

Let us be your OmniChannel Marketing Agency

As a business owner, you know that having a strong online presence is essential to success. But what you may not realize is that your online presence extends far beyond your website. In today’s digital world, customers are interacting with businesses through many different channels – social media, email, chatbots, and more. This is why it’s so important to have an OmniChannel marketing strategy in place.

An OmniChannel approach allows you to reach your customers wherever they are and provide them with a consistent experience across all channels. It’s about being there for your customer every step of the way – whether they’re making a purchase on your website or asking for support on social media. And that’s where we come in!

At Wealth Ideas Agency, we specialize in helping businesses create and implement an effective OmniChannel marketing strategy. We’ll work with you to identify which channels are most important for your business and then create content and campaigns that will engage and convert customers no matter where they are interacting with you. So if you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level, contact us today!

Take the next step!

If you are interested in taking the next step to gain more customers and generate more omnichannel marketing to increase your bottom line, contact us today for a free digital analysis!

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